Star Scout

The Star rank requirements will be revised effective April 1, 1999. Scouts may complete Star rank using the old requirements until April 1, 1999 and may complete Star rank using these new requirements beginning January 1, 1999. Due to the time needed to fulfill requirement 1, any Scout who becomes First Class after December 1, 1998 must use these requirements.

  1. Be active in your troop or patrol for at least 4 months as a First Class Scout.
  2. Demonstrate scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in your everyday life.
  3. Earn six merit badges, including four from the required list for Eagle. *
    (* The required list for Eagle has 15 merit badges in 12 categories. Any of the 15 may be used for this requirement.)
  4. While a First Class Scout, take part in service projects totaling at least 6 hours of work. These projects must be approved by your Scoutmaster.
  5. While a First Class Scout, serve actively 4 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility (or carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the troop):
    Boy Scout troop. Patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader, troop guide, den chief, bugler, scribe, librarian, historian, quartermaster, junior assistant scoutmaster, chaplain aide, instructor, or Venture crew chief.
    Varsity Scout team. Captain, cocaptain, program manager, squad leader, team secretary, librarian, quartermaster, chaplain aide, instructor, or den chief.
  6. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference
  7. Complete your board of review.
